Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Flying without wings!!

On a road so wide, with a bright moon light,
With the gentle kiss of the cool breeze,
I felt a hand that grabbed mine tight,
Of someone from my dream and made me freeze.

Like a little ray of hope, fogged by the mist,
The touch made my heart skip a beat,
Running into the wild, I searched for that fist,
Wished, the dream would repeat.

Days ran into months, and months became years,
Waiting for that special some one,
To take my hand and let go off my fears,
To whisper with love, "I am the one!"

The day arrived, with a flash in the sky,
The dream re-occured, abd before it fade,
Time for me to stretch my wings and fly,
With him to a place far far away.

He grabbed my hand and whispered his love,
Never had a feeling so fine.
A thunder and I woke with a move,
Falling deeply from cloud number nine!!

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