Friday, September 18, 2009

Being ME!

It's a GAL!! said the doc,
And the whole world fell apart,
Happiness crept into the mock,
To see a tiny life just start!

She began to crawl and walk,
And put her mom on her toes,
With her bro, to teach her talk,
She learnt to make no foes!

Feed Me!! was her favourite line,
A chubby and cute devil was she,
Cried for food always so fine,
Gobbled on chutney with idli!

At six, grew up with friends dancing,
She was a tantrum queen,
Bunked school just for playing,
Made friends which were so unique!

Cats, Dogs and chicks,
Wer her only kin,
Friends whom she cannot pick,
She always ran with an extra fin!

What a tom boy!
She turned out to be,
At 11, left all her soft toys,
For boys she could see!

Karate and sports her hobbies at teen,
Cars and bikes were her passion,
Study and Books she hated to see,
Bermudas and shorts, just her fashion!

Then an angel was sent from above,
Loads of affection that he showered,
She couldnt stop falling in love,
It was time for her to flower!

After an year or two,
He left her life,
And her heart, he left to sew,
And deeply cut like a knife!

She than learnt to live,
With no tears and only smile,
Made many friends who only give,
And walked with her every extra mile!

Laughs and dreams,
Later was all she had,
Games and screams,
Never left her sad!

Dont be dazzled,
By reading this,
Wont leave you puzzled,
That girl is ME!!